

 Hi! Today I'm going to talk about my study programme 馃槅

Well, I never question me about this but I think is interesting to the future person who study the career, it could be done improvement. 

So I think inside the curriculum lack more subjects about silviculture and management plans, I think is important for us like professionals, learn and practice much about that. Also I think the workload nad lenght of studies is alot but the our university is demanding in general, but maybe could be put some online classes to minimize a little the transport and the time that pass in the U. With thepandemic we have known the online world and we can use for our improvement.

About the buildings and infrastructure I think is poor in the career, because only has a one building and is small for the number students and also has a bad computers, some has bad function and is difficult use in this conditions when we have to used for some important subject. But also the faculty has a potencial to build more things.

Finally the teaching methods I think are the corrects, in general the teacher has the capacity to teach us with a good form, but I think that depend to the teacher, because some are very demanding with the homework or test or practice work, so sometimes is stressful relate with people like that. But always there are good persons, with I can learn very good the things and they are passionate with the things that teach and they are worried that we learn.



 In first place, I don't know when I will go to some place, specially now with the pandemic, and is difficult to me think about this because I don't have money for spend in a travel. But I know some day I will can do it.

So I think if I would have to choice a one place to go (out of chile) will be Tibet. I think this is a beautiful place in the mountain and is an oportunity to know a new culture to me, and I think is a good place, different to a forest or something like this than obviously I would like to know every forest in the world hahah I would like to go anywhere with my boyfriend, one day we talk about travel in a camper to other countries (who knows, someday we do that) 馃槑 And he too want to travel to Tibet.

And the others plces I would like to go is my country Chile, I would like to know each forest and learning with the nature, only I want to travel inside the trees and the vegetation, living with the simplicity. I don't know, I don't have much experience with traveling so I don't know what I would can to do going to any place, but also I would like to know the culture and the people who live in this places. And if I can, I would like to study something about nature in this places in a university (some course) or with a professional of forestry.



I think is very difficult study something post graduate because is  more spensive, and know I study with the free scholarship so is more easy to me that, but I don't know I will have money in the future so think in study after know...

But if I would have money to do it, I think I will study something about recycling or biomass, to learn how improve a good using about waste. Because I think is very important knowlegde about our waste and how using to reduce the impact on the enviroment.

I think I would like to study in other country, like Spain (because is more easy to understand) or other, when I learn better english. I like the idea to go to others countries to lear something, I think is a good experience lerning with other cultures. And I would like to study with blended system because I think sometimes is necesary to asssist to practice class or to go to see the process and I think is necesary have a moment to be precencial in that situation.

I don't know what happen in the future but if I would have not money I would made the possible to learn lonely, with books or looking information any way, or with little courses. I don't know, but I will always try to learn something.



This is a difficult theme to me. 

In my life always I would try to do many things, and there are a lot of things that I like, so is difficult think about only one job. 

Okay, I will talking about one of all that I have in my mind, and that is in relation about my university career.

Firt, I have to say that I would not like to work to someone, I would like to work for myself and help to people. So my job will be create a recycling's company (or something like this 馃槵) that improve the recycling sustentable form, and create new products with this raw material, and the products will be to help people in something (still I don't know what 馃槓). But my objective with this is contribute something to take care of the enviroment and help people, is not to win much money or something like this.

I think I would like to do something indoor, in Chile, but also I would like to travel in the future, but for to learn something, not to work.

I think the salary is very important when you have plans to future or invest in a idea. But this is not everything, I think I need a minimum salary to live in a simple house, but for other way also I would like to invest in many ideas that I have. Depend to the future, the destiny.

I would like to major in something about recycling or biomass. I think so. 馃槵



 Hello everyone, today it's a good day to talk about career related topic 馃榾

My current career Forestry engineering I think is I good decision in my life, but before to decide it in 2016 I study Arquitecture in the Faculty of Arquitecture and Urbanism in "la chile", and that was not good, I felt so stress in this career so in July of that year I decide to leave it.

The 2017 I gave me a "sabatic year" and I worked with my father. That year I thinked about what I want study next year, and I felt lose. The only thing that I know is that I liked the nature and I did looking for a career with something about that. My firt option was Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources in my actual faculty, and my second option was Forestry Engineering. And obviously accept me in Forestry Engineering and not in the other one, but I think that was the better thing because this career is much of practice and field trips, and I love that, is the best part of my career. 馃挌❤ 

Although sometimes I fell so stress in my career, I think the pression is unbearable when I fell sad or angry. Sometimes is very difficult make everything that I want and I lose the concentration in my study thinking about the other things that I want to make and sometimes I don't have the time to make everything.



 Today I'm going to talk about a movie that since first time that seen made me fly and tie me up. Since the color palette, photography, soundtrack, the direction and the story tie did me up and I never drop during all the movie.

Now, that's movie is Interstellar. 

I never seen a movie like this before, and it is super rare and confused. You never know what happen in the moment, so that make you alert. And I think has a high level of imagination, but is not far away about our reality. Also it has some science knowledge explain in easy form to the public.

Some color pallettes of the movie.

About the soundtrack, I think that was amazing, that make me feel every moment in the movie, every second felling the movie, that was intense. This sountrack is as if was the other planet or galaxy. My favorite song is the main theme S.T.A.Y by Hans Zimmer.

If you see that scene with this song, you will cry. (Well, I did cry.)

The other thing I think is amazing, is the direction of the movie. The director Christopher Nolan is well-known for his movies, that follow the idea of Interstellar. He has done many incredible movies like Memento, Inception, The dark knight rises, Dunkerque and many others, and the last one Tenet (2020).



I don't have many oportunities to travel, but some of best holydays were with my boyfriend. So I think the best I've had was when we went to Valdivia in 2019, this was our first "big" holidays that we was together. Before, in 20xx we were going to do another travel to lican ray, but we had an accident in the road, so we had to come back to our houses 馃槳 that's not a good story.

Whatever, that year (2019) we to remain in a house like to 10 minutes of the center of Valdivia. We stay there a week of February, it was a little time but I really enjoy so much.


In Valdivia we went to far place named "Punucapa" where we had a tour and we drink "cidra" and eat alot, also we went to see a basketball game of the LNB CHILE (Basketball's National Ligue, Chile) where we see a game between CDV and ANCUD, that was a very good game, I never had been in a Gym so big, that game played in the Antonio Azurmendy Riveros Municipal Coliseum named "the cathedral of chilean basketball", that's really nice 馃榿馃弨 The other thing that we did is going to Austral University of Chile's Botanic Garden, that was very beautiful place and very big, in a moment we lost. And the last thing we did was went to eat "papas bravas", that food is a classic plate of Valdivia together with the mitic "crudo", I think that moment was the best in the travel, we love eat 馃構馃惙

I choose this travel like the best, because this was our first big travel with my boyfriend after the accident, so that felt good, be with my partner 馃榿馃挒 



That is not a question that I make me, because is something that don't think so much. When a was a child I always wanted go to USA, because everything I like was is USA, like a singers, movies I saw or artist in general and always I wanted to go there, but when I grew I forget that idea .

I think I like to visit all places of Chile, but if I have to choose some country to visit (different to Chile), I would choose Spain, because it's a country where I might study and meet other places and culture (and they speak in spanish, more easy 馃槄). I don't know so much about it, only I know it something for "youtubers" that I watch in videos who speak something about their country. And also I know something because I looking for information about sports, like basketball and I follow the ligue ACB with teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid. And currently the Spanish men's basketball team winner the world cup 2019 and the women's team always are in the podium.

I would like to visit Spain, because I see a oportunity for study something about sports. In Spain exist many courses about sport and is a very actualiced country in physical and sported investigation, and this things are something I would like to do. Also I obviously I would go to meet places, like mountains or naturals parks and places where eat too 馃構.